Do I Have to Wear a Mask in Hamilton, Ontario?

Covid-19 Mandatory Mask Mandate - Hamilton, Ontario

Do I have to wear a mask in Hamilton, Ontario? Yes! As of July 2020, wearing a mask/face covering was made mandatory in enclosed public spaces. This includes commercial areas, public transit, places of worship, community services and retail spaces. This also includes places like the mall, community centres, movie theatres and art galleries.

 The novel Coronavirus (aka “Covid-19”) has impacted our lives in ways we will never forget. As the pandemic continues, new rules and by-laws are being implemented in an attempt to keep our cities safe. The mandatory mask by-law is one of the ways Hamilton is trying to protect its residents.

Is there a mask exemption in Ontario? Yes, there are some businesses and individuals that are exempt from the mask requirement. Some business exemptions include: airports, schools, child care facilities, and hospitals. Individuals exempt from the mask by-law include: children under the age of 2, a person with an underlying medical condition, a person in a swimming pool area, a person engaged in athletic or fitness activities, and a person sleeping or in bed at a homeless shelter. For a full list of businesses and individuals that are exempt, visit

 The mask recommendation comes from the Public Health Agency of Canada. They advise that the non-medical masks can protect you and those around you from the transmission of Covid-19. Since the virus is said to be spread by tiny droplets expelled from individuals when they cough, sneeze or even breathe, the mask is thought to provide protection from that.

 As masks are not 100% effective, keep in mind that social distancing (staying 6 feet or two metres apart) and frequent hand-washing will all aid in further protection. You should also be sure to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as these are also ways the virus can enter your body.

 Although wearing masks may not be comfortable and the Ontario stay at home orders have been difficult, it is important to do your part for protection and to avoid potential fines. Any person that contravenes this by-law may face a penalty under the Administrative Penalty System (APS), with a maximum fine of $500. If you become a repeat offender, you could receive a “Part III” charge under the Provincial Offences Act (POA) which administers more serious fines and penalties.

 Although this by-law may not be here forever, it is here for now. Do your part and remember to wear your mask. You can buy face masks and face shields at most of your local retailers, gas stations and convenience stores. Stay safe!

*Please note, since this blog post - Hamilton has lifted all mandatory mask mandates.


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